Hello! My name is Elise and I am your BFF in healing. So, a little about me: I grew up in what you can call *ahem* chaotic environments. To, you know, put it nicely. Now I am not here to name names, call anyone out, or give hate. I just want to show up in the world to reassure you that you can totally recover from childhood trauma.
My childhood trauma continued into teenage trauma, then eventually my teenage trauma grew into adult trauma. It was a never-ending ending cycle.
Experiencing traumatic events almost daily, left me in a constant state of fear, stress, anxiety, and depression until I was well into my late 20’s. I was effing MISERABLE.
Honestly, being curled up on the floor in a fetal position bawling my eyes out contemplating life, was a regular part of my weekly schedule.

It got so bad to the point my body started failing I was diagnosed with IBS (#hotgirlillness), to the point I had difficulty eating.

Then I developed an eating disorder, it doesn’t stop there, no, then came the debilitating migraines. I had migraines that could last hours or even weeks at a time. I hated my life and was always anxious, depressed, and in horrible pain somewhere in my body. I desperately needed change…..